8:30 PM20:30

Yoga Nidra + Reiki

  • Livestream on Zoom - more details coming soon! (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me and Catie Lasich @yocatiecatie for a physical and mental reset. In the comfort of your own space, settle into a cozy nest to be led through a guided relaxation infused with reiki energy. Emerge feeling renewed and refreshed, making it the perfect way to end your busy day.


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to Sep 19

Reiki Class - Level I

  • Blue Heron Reiki & Wellness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is taught in the traditional style of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki system. It is an initiation into reiki and is open to anyone. The focus during Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the universal life force energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands. We will emphasize self-reiki as the goal of the Level 1 designation, encouraging students to focus on practicing reiki on themselves, thereby working through their own obstacles. This Level 1 course also includes an overview of the history of reiki, as well.

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6:30 PM18:30

An Evening of Reiki & Restorative Yoga with Leslie and Catie

Join Reiki Master Leslie of Blue Heron Reiki and Yoga & Ayurvedic Coach Catie of YoCatie! for a 2-hour Restorative Yoga & Reiki RESTshop filled with loving intention promoting deep relaxation and renewal for the mind and body.

To register, please click here:

Reiki is a subtle hands-on healing technique that moves energy in the body to places where it is needed the most. The long-held poses of Restorative Yoga allow you to rest deeply with the use of bolsters, blocks, and blankets, thus enabling the body/mind to digest and integrate everything that you take in (e.g. food, experiences, emotions) and to restore/fill your energy tanks.
We start with an intention setting practice that will help you visualize something you would like to amplify or cultivate in your life. Then, Catie will guide you into complete surrender with a releasing restorative practice while Leslie uses Reiki energy to remove blockages in the body and to open up the energetic channels. Each pose will be held for around 15 minutes to allow 3-5 minutes of Reiki per pose. This combination will allow for total relaxation and you will leave feeling reconnected, refreshed and ready to manifest your intention!

Visit to register. @yocatiel @thriveability_yoga @blueheronreiki

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